Monday, June 8, 2009


a lot of stupid things happened today. for instance this morning i was working in math class. and we were playing with these cubes...i never found out what the sequence was called..anyways so then there i was working with this loser abby and i thought that we needed 10 yellow cubes when reallly we needed 7 bluish green cubes and 3 yellow cubes. so instead of just telling me, she did her weird laugh thing. i cant even explain it. its sort of like a wheeze laugh, so its like
(silent ha...ha...ha..) then like randomly she'll be like AHA and then go back to her silently laugh but shell smile maniacally...ugh! D:
and so then the was doing that for like 5 mins.
oh and at lunch she got these chocolate panda things...and so she ate them and threw them at me, and then we kept throwing the wrappers at eachother. then she tried throwing it but instead she somehow pushed it behind her or something. and then when i gasped and yelled 'YOU LITTERED'!! she did the laugh thing again...and then she said 'you have to pick it up with me.' so i had to hold her hand, walk over 5 feet, bend over at the same time as her and pick it up. and then she made us walk over to a trashcan. and then she said 'i did the hard part. you throw it away. now. ' and i was like wtf and had to throw it away and i felt bad. T__T


  1. olol, I laughed I cried! Amazzing, thanks for this post

  2. haha sara. you make me sound so much stupider than i am. PS YOU WROTE ABBY!!!!!!!
