Monday, June 8, 2009

cherry + white = white cherry

So starting in 6th grade something that Sela (sara) was not actually involved in happened. So, group that was then known as the "advisory three" were Ebbie, Samantha, and Tessa. These three girls were close and were brought closer by one inside joke... white cherry. White cherry was what really none of the grade could get. People thought of it as anything from color of clothes - a pimple on Christine B (the office person at school)'s butt. But they were all wrong. See if you can guess what it truely meant. Answer will be revealed soon, for now vote in the poll on the side of the page.
Ebbie will attach a photo of the "theme imagine" of white cherry
white cherry is NOT a pimple. It is NOT clothing. and it is not simply a white cherry.
Cant wait to here from you
- Ebbie


  1. Dear Sara,
    That was prathetic and stupid. i hope your ear AND foot blows up.
    so owned.


  2. Dear Abby,
    I do not know you nor do I ever want to meet you. I bet your face looks like a man.
    I hope your butt blows up diarrhea.


  3. Dear Sara,
    I guess i do not know you either, but i sure do want to meet you. Though i will most likely go into a laughing fit that will last over a few hours. I can picture it now. I see your face. I just laugh. Good times.
    Btw, I hope you blow forks out your eye ball, no make that both eyes, eye balls

    Regards, no make that best
    Best regards,
