Sunday, June 7, 2009


So Sela (sara) just wrote a very nice post about the amazing Ashland trip. Just to add.
First off. Sela ALSO got mad at ebbie (Abby) because she moved seats to sit with kira BUT ebbie moved because Caroline threw some egg yolk at Ebbie's head and it was super gross... so i moved.
this was right after the rasit cow joke made by sela who told ebbie not to tell kira. Ebbie never lie so ebbie didnt tell kira. ebbie told peter. kira overheard. sela got raged at ebbie and was very sad. ebbie felt bad.

then on the way home... ebbie took pretty picture of sela (which will be posted later if i can get it from Samantha and get sela not to murder me) and decided to show the entire bus because sela would not apolizge to ebbie in the exact way without laughing. everyone laughed. sela was sad. ebbie felt bad... well no not really. but anyway that is the real story of that.


1 comment:

  1. actually you are wrong, the picture is not beautiful and also i managed to not laugh at one point. at mun, on the other hand, that was different.
