Sunday, June 7, 2009

so yeah.

so last week i was in ashland with my beloved ebbie (abby)...and the rest of our grade...but anyways it was so fun. me (sela or sara but mostly sela) ebbie wade and jesse were like uber best friends. and feripe was like there. and we like ate lunch at munchies and super ran out of money D; but yeah. and we shopped in this half preppy half poser emo store. it was magical.

yep and i managed to not be in abbys room or group or anything.
and i got uber mad at ebbie because she took a mean picture of me. so bad. haha oh well
also we took amazing pictures...but i haven't posted them on anything yet. facebook doesnt count so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and luckily the only racist joke i told was about cows.
'wow ebbie...look at all the cows walking around....woa-phohahah hahaha the black cows are in the back, ;P'


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