Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Schools Out. and it has been.

So school has been out for a while (since June 12th) and well i dont know i guess i have mixed feelings about it. (very mixed feelings) sure, summer is going to be fun i guess but well Sela (sara) is leaving next year and i dont know what i am going to do without her. Its just going to be really hard on top of that next year is supposed to be a particularly stressful year. Joy? On a better note:This saturday is the Warped tour (a concert you know the vans one ( and yes i do mean the shoe band) you can check out the website to see the bands playing cause they have like a million going, Click here to go to the website) Anyway, Sela and i are going to that which should be totally sick. and it better be good, we payed 33 dollars each ticket and then fucking California is like BAM sales tax, BAM shipping BAM this BAM that so the total cost was 85 DOLLARSSSSSS!!! So since we are little cheap kids we were like fuck that so rather than paying 19.50 for shipping we decided to pay a buck and waste an hour picking the tickets up at Stones Town Mall at the gift wrapping section of Macys (which btw i didnt even know existed) oh and just incase you ever need to find it its not ONLY gift wrapping but also watch repairs. So i got the tickets and we are all set to go :D.the first amazing summer outing. for sela and ebbie. 



  1. hello,
    this post sounds very interesting. i was wondering i could meet up with you and sela at the warped tour? i heard it's going to be fun. btw (as you kids say) i am a 53 year old man. i have a long black beard and my hair looks like pubic hair.
    my eyes are...well, i wear thick glasses.
    overall i look like santa and i hope to see you beautiful girls (except sela she sounds like an old hag..oh wait, just what i like)
    bye beautiful girls (LOL)
    Renaldo Fabanicci

  2. just wondering Sara is Renaldo mexican?

  3. hola,
    yes miamo half-o mexicano y (THAT MEANS ANDDD) half-o italiano.
    whatever goodbye is in spanish,
    Renaldo Fabanicci

  4. haha nice to meet you kinda sir. id laugh if you look like felipe.
    we should meet up some time.
    warped tour sounds good
    though we cant REALLY do anything for sela will be with me.
    plus, we might want somewhere more "private" though public bathrooms always are sufficient

  5. hallo.
    i will suffice. we will dig a hole in ze cement.
    done iz done.
    Renaldo Fabanicci
