Thursday, October 1, 2009


oaky. so. i think that just might have been your longer train of nonsense yet. i swear by the end it was HARD to read. :P... take that in whatever way you so choose. anyway, i have been home sick this entire week, i have the flu. it sucks. but i have been watching a lot of random tv shows, the type that suck because they are on in the middle of the day, yeah those. anyway, i have actually been essentially offline since monday because of it. i know right! i also havnt sent more than like 5 texts in a day because i have felt too sick. I am getting better now though, my fever is down to 100 :D. that is a big deal, it has been much higher the rest of the week. anyway.

im glad you like your new school, we miss you at nueva though. too bad you wont graduate with us. dude! we have the BEST schedule EVER this year. like wednesdays suck as always BUT its so damn amazing. you would be thrilled. it makes ebbie very happy.

i am getting into super high school mode. i went to a bay open house on sunday? saturday? one of the two. i cant even remember at this point. and with that it starts my journey to hs. it was so weird, i think i knew like half of the 40,000 people there. like everywhere i went someone knew me, wade thought it was funny (i think) . haha.

i cant even remember half of what you said at this point that i wanted to respond to but OH YEAH! YOU SHOULD NOT BE LOOSING WEIGHT THAT IS VERY BAD FOR YOU!! im seriously thinking about calling your school posing as a doctor and being like sela uhmehlee needs to be able to eat during class, she needs to gain some weight, too thin for her own good. but on the topic of gaining weight over the summer i gained FIVE yes FIVE pounds.

okay this is really weird but does it ever bother you that you cant capitalize numbres??

thats all for now.
i think.
i will see you soon.
if not...
ill assume

<3 - Ebbie

Monday, September 28, 2009

i hate when

i hate when we get like a long weekend at school, and then i get so used to it i dont wanna go back.

its killing me. like this afternoon i have to go to cheerleading practice, ugh right yeah haha but cheerleading is kind of fun. i just dont want to have to go to tryouts. T__T so anyways i have to go to that at 3 PM and it goes til 4:30. im sorta stressed out over it cuz i hate tryouts and stuff. i just wanted to relaxxxxxxx today. boooo.

also umm new school is fun. yay~

okay subliminal message time

go to my youtube or deviantart pleaseeee and if you go to my youtube subscribe. links are below. <-- youtube, yes. <-- i like deviantart :D

also recently i have been going overboard on shopping. its horrible. haha. D: but so addicting!

have you ever gotten the feeling where you just really don't want something to come, but when it does you get super stressed out and then afterwards it feels like nothing...that happened to me with recitals a lot haha. back when i played flute and piano (piano for 8 years, flute for...uhm...5 and a half.) i used to play gu dzen or whatever, which is like chinese harp. im sad that i quit, it was sooo cool D:

also, i started my recital project at school (but at my school we call them ropes) i HATE IT

and i have to write a short story by october 2nd because i told my mom i would and i lied to her sayin that i already started it....sdlkfjsldfjsfklj i hate thisssss! D:

i haven't straightened my hair for 5 days. this. isn't. NORMAL.

you can see me with curly hair. at my deviantart. although kids from my old school wont be able to tell cuz more than half of you haven't even seen my new haircut yet. lolll thats weird to think about. i haven't seen any of them since june. wtf. D: well goodbye  forever

uhmhmhmhmhmmhmmmm i got invited to a wedding from my japanese TA teacher...but i dont know if i should go because she invited the 10 kids in the class and ive only been to 4 sessions and aaaah id feel bad if i didn't BLAWEGWEGWGEWEG I WANT TO GO TO A PARTY! D:

ive been wanting to go to a party for the past like half year :D luckily i think someones having a barmitzvah soon that i know, so that will be fun. >_> yeahhhhhhhh. heigh hooo. um. yeah.

i should sew more. or make cool videos. or take better pictures.

tell me what to do

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH--do you ever get hungry, then go to the kitchen and tehres nothing good to eat. i hate that also. hahaha at my new school we dont get to eat in class, and we have 2 eating periods (one is brunch for 15 mins and one is lunchtime) and so im actually losing weight because of it. ITS AMAZING LOLOLOL o:

my dog and cat will be 2 and 1 soon. it will be amazing. hobbes' bday is october 7. and my kitty's is unknown so we just pretend it was born the same day since they were both born in october. heheehehe. hobbes has changed a lot. i miss when he was small. but now he's not AS rabid. grrr hehehe. ack i hate being at  home d oing nothing in the afternoon! i want to be like...downtown right now or something. poop. thats why i like being with my mom, even if its to go to a dry cleaner. cuz i hate being at home. wwww D:

i haven't listened to my ipod in 2 weeks. how sad is that? yeah, because when my mom drives me to school it only takes 2 minutes (my old school took 40 mins) and i have to walk home with my stupid little brother who is always bothering me, or one of my friends that i like talking to, or i have an extra curriculum program afterschool. its killing me. sdflkjsdfkjsdf.

my music has changed a lot too. i dont really like alternative anymore. i like indie music that they play in anthropologie. :D and i dont hate anybody anymore. because ive decided to leave all that behind. plus its so funny to read peoples' status fights that are like I CANT BELIEVE YOU BETRAYED ME WE ARE SO NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE because it lets me...reminisce on when i thought everything and everyone cycled around me. ah, the bad old times.

cracking knuckles is such a horrible habit of mine. i should really quit. gaah. i also need a new bicycle. i have a hello kitty bicycle that is pink and has a basket. i love it but i am embarassed to ride on it LOLOLOLOL D: erg i hate smilies that change into those u gly pictures. for like 2 years i always put spaces between my smilies. maybe i should do that again lalallalalalallaaaaaaaa if i was a boy at sea i would be swinging from a boken tree i would get down on the ground looking up at stars at niiiiight alaaalalallalalalalalalallalallaaaaaaaaa

i love my mommmmm she is super nice o_O i hate extra homework that she makes me do thooooo :'D

that was my train of thought for the year,

thank you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


okay so first day of school was today... sela (sara) does not go to nueva anymore as you prolly already know which for your information sucks ass. i like walked into school waiting to give her a huge hug but guess what... SHE NEVER SHOWED UP! i know most of the grade felt the same way as well. it was good that i saw her on sunday though, otherwise i might have died, i hadnt seen her in WEEKS!
the day was pretty boring, though i guess classic special school weird first day of school. we do this thing as like an ice breaker that corresponds with the curriculum of the humanities unit for the middle school, which this year is globalization or some shit. so they wasted a fuck load of tape and made the WORLD MAP on the floor of the gym. then we did this weird puzzle thing and then sat on the map in these orders and were given apples only i didnt get one cause i was mobbed in asia (yes, i will try and ask one of the sel teachers from england for a pic that i saw him taking) but literally 70 kids were running into me grabbing apples from the bag i was holding then i didnt get one which was okay i must say isnce it was gorss and i didnt want one.
after that the rest of the day was rather boring. hs transitions is gonna be the worth class in the entire world, oh well... BUT today it was pretty funny cause winslow had been calling yusef all day in like every class and yusefs super loud ring tone would go off. so he did this in this super serious hs class and the teacher, C, asked if it was a talking backpack. Yusef threw it out on the balcony but we could still here it. then yusef blamed it on winslow. c argued about how winslow could call him from his seat, asked if he had his phone programed to call yusef every 30 minutes or something (i think she was trying to make a joke) and stuff. we all tried so hard not to laugh but then she started lecturing yusef and winslow about cells phones. it took like 10 fucking minutes (thank god.) ifnally it stopped and class started again and WADES watch fucking started BEEPING! the entire class started laughing and C asked what was so funny and none of us could talk. haha.
okay then i got home and fucking yusef wrote on my wall for the world to see "wtf how the hell did you grow boobs" or something of the sort. yes. fml. it sucked. it was on EVERYONES damn homepage on facebook.
dammit. great first day.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

why, i o m o o

you can guess mine, but if not mine's
and so she's obsessed with drawing me in lolita dresses
(fancy lacy expensive japanese dresses)
because i own like 3 so she drew this and....yeah. its cute :3

Okay. so a lot of annoying people are like'
so im going to freaking explain it. it might be long it might be short. eh idk nor do i care.
ok so back in 4th grade we were studying greek gods. there was this greek god game where everyone except for like 5 people was a greek god and would pretend to be them. i wanted to play, but me being new in 4th grade, i was too shy. so midway this girl named mackenzie was like 'oh yes you can be io.'
zeus (nick k), this huge major god, had this bitchy wife named hera (myshele, who isn't bitchy) but one time hera left to go run some errands, idk, and then io, who is the egyption goddess, was like mmm zeus and zeus had an affair with her. which is kind of awkward. because myshele liked nick k in real life. but i didn't. haha. anyways. hera found out about zeus' affair and turned poor io into a freaking cow.
then in 4th grade there was this neopets craze with me and wade, and i had an account which is thumper80 and had like 5mil on it but i don't remember the random birthday i put in so i can't access it...but anyways i made a new account so i could hack the special events and called it io_moo because io was a cow and cows go 'moo'. yeah glad that's clear.
so thennnn i made a blog in 4th grade and at that time blogspot/blogger wouldn't let me use an underscore, so i just made it and i thought it looked better so now its iomoo.
good. story. tell it again.
lol if you google iomoo all the results are my accounts. boo yah.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i o u could be mistake as i o moo. lol get it.

the picture here is my new favorite style of drawing. its like doodling but cooler. google the artist 'julia pott'. love her freaking art. anyways.
okay so this post is just so you guys know im alive but too lazy to write posts
and also abby you silly poo pie please format your posts better. :P
so basically abby was telling me about how one of her friends heru was talking about people with ADHD and then this girl who has ADHD heard him and got really mad so of course me and abby were talking about that. then randomly i started lagging, cuz whenever my brother turns on the PS3 my internet dies when he doesn't remind me, so i kept pushing enter like an ignorant fool. then, whadaya know. i double; NO! TRIPLE freaking posted. so there were 3 of what i said on the chat. so abby laughed at me. 5 minutes later abby double posted. hahaha if you don't get it here are some pictures.

also, i'm happy! i learned how to use a sewing machine the other day and i made my little brother a fat lopsided hat. yay me. it took half the time that it took me to make a handmade one.
also as abby said i just finished my tap dance performance. you can find my vid at
i also have a strange addiction to miranda cosgrove. i dont know why. d:
one of my best friends thats not abby is in asia right now so i have no one to talk to, considering abby makes me go on aim and then doesn't talk to me lol. and then when i g2g she begs me to stay online. booooo.
i'm going to warped tour concert this saturday. YAYYYYYY. lol.
i'm going to japan in august too! YAYYYYYY. lol.
i'm going to miss everyone at my old school so yeah if yall read this (if abby shows you) then you're in my thoughts. sorta. everyone except for like 10 people. jaykayyyy lol. i hate it when people say bitchy things and expect it to be ok like
abby: sara stfu.
sara: what..
abby: lol :D actually abby never says 'lol' so i meant to write 'haha.'
sara: wtf is wrong with you woman
abby: what did you just say??
sara: lololol...
yeah hate that. id make a video on it but communitychannel beat me to it.
also its weird but for some reason ive been looking for sweatshirts with my friend kira recently. we're like dying to find hoodies with no zippers. curse summertime. :P
anyways im wrapping this up.


So Sela (sara) as you may or prolly dont know tap dances. Yes i said it tap dances. and i know, you all thought tap dancing ended in around Kindergarden, first or second grade at the latest but for sela it is a life long passion. except no, not even that Sela started in like 5th or 6th grade. i mean what the hell. BUT its okay because i lover and i figured out on Sunday that there is much ore than the little Kindergarden ways to tap dancing. It actually is pretty cool. Anyway, So i got tickets to go see her show and my mom and this guy wade went and so my mom idk where she went but wade and i were sitting together watching this entire show (long long long show) of some random kids who live in like San or Carlos Palo Alto or whatever do weird dances. Some did Ballet, hip hop or random stuff i could not tell what it was. FinALly!!! it was selas turn. Wade pulled out his phone an video taped the entire thing well i look a million pictures (which i will upload a few of on like Thursday) anyway sela did pretty good except i could not help but laugh a LITTLE. so today at SSAT prep camp at school (which sela is not part of) this other guy winslow was like sela said she fell onstage but that you had already left (we left right after sela preformed) and i was like whaaa???? i missed it.... FUCCCKKKKKK and started crying. So i was like shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit really? and he was like yeahhhh and then i laughed.

Schools Out. and it has been.

So school has been out for a while (since June 12th) and well i dont know i guess i have mixed feelings about it. (very mixed feelings) sure, summer is going to be fun i guess but well Sela (sara) is leaving next year and i dont know what i am going to do without her. Its just going to be really hard on top of that next year is supposed to be a particularly stressful year. Joy? On a better note:This saturday is the Warped tour (a concert you know the vans one ( and yes i do mean the shoe band) you can check out the website to see the bands playing cause they have like a million going, Click here to go to the website) Anyway, Sela and i are going to that which should be totally sick. and it better be good, we payed 33 dollars each ticket and then fucking California is like BAM sales tax, BAM shipping BAM this BAM that so the total cost was 85 DOLLARSSSSSS!!! So since we are little cheap kids we were like fuck that so rather than paying 19.50 for shipping we decided to pay a buck and waste an hour picking the tickets up at Stones Town Mall at the gift wrapping section of Macys (which btw i didnt even know existed) oh and just incase you ever need to find it its not ONLY gift wrapping but also watch repairs. So i got the tickets and we are all set to go :D.the first amazing summer outing. for sela and ebbie. 


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


if you ever wondered what my hideous face looked like, now you can see:

click there or if you're too lazy they're here

and im the smiling asian. ebbie is the blonde with the hoodie up.


so this was really uber necessary.

and if you're an effing dumbass who can't read and doesn't want to squint click on the picture or go here mf.


Monday, June 8, 2009

well you know.
and ok my mom is chinese which means she is also sort of deprived and thats not racist.
anyways so i sort of procrastinated on changing my sheets (my classmates kira and abby were annoying me about it cuz i told them about how i felt itchy) but finally yesterday my mom bombarded my room and made me change them. someday i will post a vid of me changing my sheets ugh.
also my hair was really greasy cuz i didnt take a shower for like a really long time like 4 days and so i washed it today and its all better
haha this dumbass abby got owned cuz she was playing with my hair today

ok also if you're wondering why there's a pokemon in the corner its because that pokemon is called 'raichu' which is pronounced 'rah- ee- chu- which is like write you and its basically
im not going to RAICHU a love song you betch abby betcsdjfsdfhsdf


So by now all of you know Sela (sara) so i wont give any introduction on her. Oh wait... i need to. you must know that sela is the most deprived person in the world. i mean that literally. last summer she had her first FUNNEL CAKE AND FOUND OUT WHAT AN ARTICHOKE HEARD WAS! i mean commeee onnnn. btw this kid, sela has NEVER seen mary poppins.
So talking about deprived she didnt know what you should change your sheets around every week. Well sela had no changed her sheets for OVER 5 months. she lost track of the exact number. so she started feeling ichy and gross and it turned out she had BED BUGS. THATS HOW DIRTY HER SHEETS WERE!!!! so if you read the comment on the post hair. you will understand why its a big deal for her to change her sheets after all this time.
bleh gross i know,
- Ebbie
(ps the pic is of bed bugs)


So Sela (sara) and ebbie were sitting in humanities today. The teacher Pilar who is actually pretty cool she is almost the same height as Sela who as ebbie has talked about before is like what 4 feet 10 and a half inches tall. Yes thats right. So anyway on Ebbies laptop case there is this little white thing ebbie does not know what they are called but they are super fun to play with. (ebbie just asked sela what they are called and she does not know so its kinda like those things you tie stuff with that cant come undone wait ebbie just attach a picture nvm - so the thing in the picture) Anyway, ebbie was super bored as Pilar talked so sela was laying down on the desk and ebbie took the little white thing and rubbed it on selas hair and BAM it stuck. so selas hair was like crimped in this fucking weird way and i was laughing but in silence so i wouldnt get ownded and sela did her WTF face and i was like FUUU and moved on and sela played with her hair the rest of class. i wonder if it is still stuck... ill have to find out

cherry + white = white cherry

So starting in 6th grade something that Sela (sara) was not actually involved in happened. So, group that was then known as the "advisory three" were Ebbie, Samantha, and Tessa. These three girls were close and were brought closer by one inside joke... white cherry. White cherry was what really none of the grade could get. People thought of it as anything from color of clothes - a pimple on Christine B (the office person at school)'s butt. But they were all wrong. See if you can guess what it truely meant. Answer will be revealed soon, for now vote in the poll on the side of the page.
Ebbie will attach a photo of the "theme imagine" of white cherry
white cherry is NOT a pimple. It is NOT clothing. and it is not simply a white cherry.
Cant wait to here from you
- Ebbie


a lot of stupid things happened today. for instance this morning i was working in math class. and we were playing with these cubes...i never found out what the sequence was called..anyways so then there i was working with this loser abby and i thought that we needed 10 yellow cubes when reallly we needed 7 bluish green cubes and 3 yellow cubes. so instead of just telling me, she did her weird laugh thing. i cant even explain it. its sort of like a wheeze laugh, so its like
(silent ha...ha...ha..) then like randomly she'll be like AHA and then go back to her silently laugh but shell smile maniacally...ugh! D:
and so then the was doing that for like 5 mins.
oh and at lunch she got these chocolate panda things...and so she ate them and threw them at me, and then we kept throwing the wrappers at eachother. then she tried throwing it but instead she somehow pushed it behind her or something. and then when i gasped and yelled 'YOU LITTERED'!! she did the laugh thing again...and then she said 'you have to pick it up with me.' so i had to hold her hand, walk over 5 feet, bend over at the same time as her and pick it up. and then she made us walk over to a trashcan. and then she said 'i did the hard part. you throw it away. now. ' and i was like wtf and had to throw it away and i felt bad. T__T

Sunday, June 7, 2009

sleep night

ok so i was chatting having a grand time with abby and my friend nick l. and i was laughing at nick ls jokes while abby was afk. and abby came back and was like 'oh, call my phone cuz i lost it.' and so a minute after i called her phone she picked up so she actually didn't loose her phone. so i was like wtf. and then i asked her why she was whispering cuz it was only 11:37PM and shes like 'because' (er she whispered) and then she said she couldn't wake her parents up and so iwas like wtf cuz all the lights in my room are turned on right now (i mean like on not like they think im hot you know) and so yeah.


So milk is this huge things between sela and ebbie.
first here is the background.
we were sleeping at this girl rebeccas house.
at like three in the morning we were raiding her kitchen and ebbie really wanted some water. but sela and becca would not let ebbie have water. they were chugging milk from the huge carton.
ebbie really wanted water.
ebbie said "can i ahve some water"... sela said "NO BUT YOU CAN HAVE SOME. MILK."
ebbie was sad.
so like eight seconds ago ebbie said brb need some water. sela starts FREAKING out like FUCK NO GET BACK HERE BITCH and ebbie was like what? sela was like DENIED shit ebbie was like AHHH sela was like get a soda or some freaking milk. ebbie was like no i only drink milk from black cows so sela proceeds to be like no that would be chocolate milk.
ebbie still wants some water.


ok so the weirdest thing happened. so i was talking to this betch abby whos being nice to me again...and she was like asking me to photoshop a picture of her friend elana. it was a fraeking pizza. so i sent it to abby and of course knowing me and my exaggeration i told her i sent it 3 mins before even tho imeant 30 seconds....and so she was freaking out and she thought i sent it to her stupid gmx email so she checked that instead of her gmail even tho i pushed reply instead of sending a new email so therefore i couldnt have messed up. then she was like 'i love you sela' and i was like 'ditto that except...abby. except it would be EBBIE. and it would be like i love you ebbie too but i would say i love you too, ebbie. and it wouldn't be ditto anymore. greattttt.' and then she had the NERVE to write brb.


so the stupidest thing just happened.
i asked sela (sara) to photoshop something for a friends school project because i cant do it. (sizing is fucked)
so she was like k.
i sent pic.
then she posted saying it was mine.
i was like FUUUUU.
so anyway, to prove sela wrong. here is chat.

could u do me a big favor? Elana @ 10:37
please? 10:37
i rly need it 10:37
abbY? 10:38

sure Abby S @ 10:39
what is it? 10:39 Elana @ 10:39
on that pic can u cut her out so ther is no background? 10:40
wait nvm i found a better pic 10:40

you still need help? Abby S @ 10:40
or no? 10:40

im gonna send u a better pic Elana @ 10:40

kk Abby S @ 10:41
and ill try 10:41 Elana @ 10:41

but i suck at photoshop Abby S @ 10:41

so just cut her out Elana @ 10:41

oh Abby S @ 10:41

so that formatting is weird but you get the idea im sure.

so owned sela.

btw she just asked for another :P

emily osment.

ok sorry for double post but seriously the stupidest thing just hapened
so this girl i hate, abby or ebbie, was like asking me to photoshop something for her friend that was ACTUALLY for herself. this is the pic here.

and so she was using reverse phsycology to do it for her (remove the background since i know how to use photoshop) and so i did. and so i sent it to this annoying girls email and guess what? its the wrong effing email. so she starts yelling at me and beating me and praising me and petting me and feeding me and tells me to send it to gmail instead of gmx and so i was like fuuuu and had to look at EMILY OSMENT again and reattach it blah blah.
and so yeah.
and also i hope you all like the new layout. ;D

hate her guts

ok so there's this girl named abby and i really hate her ugh and shes like super mean to me at school. and so she was fucking around with my nose the other day and someone got a pic. and so shes going to post it and embrass me before i leave our god forsaken terrible school forever. er not terrible but like really bleh.

on the other hand, if anyone really cares and wants to know why we started this blog, read here

yeah so yeah.

10:04:08 PM Abby S.: what are you up tO?
10:04:20 PM Sara Ameri: ummm well i finished wiping my computer this morning
10:04:28 PM Sara Ameri: so now im on youtube listening to random music
10:04:28 PM Sara Ameri: lol
10:05:20 PM Sara Ameri: because also
10:05:23 PM Abby S.: ha
10:05:24 PM Abby S.: cool
10:05:34 PM Sara Ameri: currently the songs on my ipod suck so i need new music lol
10:05:35 PM Sara Ameri: yeap
10:05:51 PM Abby S.: haha
10:05:52 PM Abby S.: okay
10:05:56 PM Abby S.: according to you?
10:05:57 PM Abby S.: or winslow?
10:06:02 PM Sara Ameri: according to me XD
10:06:02 PM Abby S.: :P
10:06:04 PM Sara Ameri: haha
10:06:08 PM Sara Ameri: winslow was like looking at my ipod
10:06:12 PM Sara Ameri: and saw this band i didnt even know i had
10:06:16 PM Sara Ameri: and he was like
10:06:20 PM Sara Ameri: 3 doors down sucks, sara.
10:06:22 PM Sara Ameri: and i was like
10:06:23 PM Abby S.: HAHAHAHHAHA
10:06:36 PM Sara Ameri: what!? because i didnt know i had it on my ipod in the first place
10:06:37 PM Sara Ameri: so i was like
10:06:38 PM Sara Ameri: oshit lol
10:06:52 PM Abby S.: ahhah
10:07:20 PM Abby S.: sara you should have a blog
10:07:21 PM Abby S.: NO
10:07:22 PM Abby S.: SARA
10:07:22 PM Abby S.: OMG
10:07:25 PM Sara Ameri: ??
10:07:26 PM Abby S.: TOGETHER
10:07:29 PM Sara Ameri: ABOUT!?
10:07:33 PM Abby S.: random shit
10:07:36 PM Abby S.: like whatever we feel like
10:07:40 PM Abby S.: at that moment in time
10:07:43 PM Sara Ameri: LOL
10:07:45 PM Sara Ameri: ok
10:07:48 PM Abby S.: it would be so funny
10:07:51 PM Abby S.: if we just like
10:07:52 PM Abby S.: doced
10:07:52 PM Sara Ameri: it would lolololol
10:07:53 PM Abby S.: stuff
10:07:57 PM Abby S.: and filmed eachother
10:08:01 PM Sara Ameri: 'today sara told a racist jooke in every class' -- abbys pov
10:08:06 PM Abby S.: *even if nobody read it
10:08:08 PM Abby S.: wed have it
10:08:09 PM Abby S.: for us
10:08:10 PM Abby S.: later
10:08:12 PM Abby S.: to look back on
10:08:12 PM Sara Ameri: 'today there were so many fucking racist things.' -- saras pov
10:08:13 PM Abby S.: :DDDD
10:08:15 PM Sara Ameri: oh
10:08:15 PM Sara Ameri: lololol
10:08:16 PM Abby S.: hahaha
10:08:16 PM Sara Ameri: yeah
10:08:17 PM Sara Ameri: : D
10:08:21 PM Abby S.: wait
10:08:44 PM Abby S.: ill make it on blogspot

and also i used to have like a blog in 4th grade, er like 5. my main one was
and i apparently also wrote

hahahaha. :D


So, hello, more about Sela (sara) 's amazingggg nose.
so pretty much picture this 4 foot 10 and a half inch Asian girl. believe it or not, she has a nose. i know right. Well this nose is different from like every other nose you have ever seen.
Sela's nose has no cartilage in it. at first i thought it was bone but Nick L told me i was wrong :(
So the is an amazing thing. because it has no bone. you can move it, literally. well okay, only kinda of. you can like pick it up and move it but the end can be pushed all the way down like a little elephant trunk or it can be pushed up like a pig. its so cool.
So if you can picture that (youll be seeing a picture hopefully, samantha said she would send it tomorrow) then you would know how many laughs i got along with the rest of the bus.
so thinking this through as i was talking with sela i decided on the most brilliant idea yet.
What does this mean?
Sela can pay a few billion dollars to get her nose in a way she will hate BUT ebbie will love.
Now you may be thinking ebbie is so mean. BUT dont be silly. Ebbie is letting sela choose.
not choose to have the sergery or not, that is wayyyyy too nice but choose if sela would like it pig style or elephant style. i know. so generous.
Picture shall be posted tomorrow if any luck comes my way.
cant wait to show you...
beauty, pure beauty.


So Sela (sara) just wrote a very nice post about the amazing Ashland trip. Just to add.
First off. Sela ALSO got mad at ebbie (Abby) because she moved seats to sit with kira BUT ebbie moved because Caroline threw some egg yolk at Ebbie's head and it was super gross... so i moved.
this was right after the rasit cow joke made by sela who told ebbie not to tell kira. Ebbie never lie so ebbie didnt tell kira. ebbie told peter. kira overheard. sela got raged at ebbie and was very sad. ebbie felt bad.

then on the way home... ebbie took pretty picture of sela (which will be posted later if i can get it from Samantha and get sela not to murder me) and decided to show the entire bus because sela would not apolizge to ebbie in the exact way without laughing. everyone laughed. sela was sad. ebbie felt bad... well no not really. but anyway that is the real story of that.


so yeah.

so last week i was in ashland with my beloved ebbie (abby)...and the rest of our grade...but anyways it was so fun. me (sela or sara but mostly sela) ebbie wade and jesse were like uber best friends. and feripe was like there. and we like ate lunch at munchies and super ran out of money D; but yeah. and we shopped in this half preppy half poser emo store. it was magical.

yep and i managed to not be in abbys room or group or anything.
and i got uber mad at ebbie because she took a mean picture of me. so bad. haha oh well
also we took amazing pictures...but i haven't posted them on anything yet. facebook doesnt count so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and luckily the only racist joke i told was about cows.
'wow ebbie...look at all the cows walking around....woa-phohahah hahaha the black cows are in the back, ;P'