Thursday, October 1, 2009


oaky. so. i think that just might have been your longer train of nonsense yet. i swear by the end it was HARD to read. :P... take that in whatever way you so choose. anyway, i have been home sick this entire week, i have the flu. it sucks. but i have been watching a lot of random tv shows, the type that suck because they are on in the middle of the day, yeah those. anyway, i have actually been essentially offline since monday because of it. i know right! i also havnt sent more than like 5 texts in a day because i have felt too sick. I am getting better now though, my fever is down to 100 :D. that is a big deal, it has been much higher the rest of the week. anyway.

im glad you like your new school, we miss you at nueva though. too bad you wont graduate with us. dude! we have the BEST schedule EVER this year. like wednesdays suck as always BUT its so damn amazing. you would be thrilled. it makes ebbie very happy.

i am getting into super high school mode. i went to a bay open house on sunday? saturday? one of the two. i cant even remember at this point. and with that it starts my journey to hs. it was so weird, i think i knew like half of the 40,000 people there. like everywhere i went someone knew me, wade thought it was funny (i think) . haha.

i cant even remember half of what you said at this point that i wanted to respond to but OH YEAH! YOU SHOULD NOT BE LOOSING WEIGHT THAT IS VERY BAD FOR YOU!! im seriously thinking about calling your school posing as a doctor and being like sela uhmehlee needs to be able to eat during class, she needs to gain some weight, too thin for her own good. but on the topic of gaining weight over the summer i gained FIVE yes FIVE pounds.

okay this is really weird but does it ever bother you that you cant capitalize numbres??

thats all for now.
i think.
i will see you soon.
if not...
ill assume

<3 - Ebbie